Hi There Alpine Friends and Family,
Just a reminder that our Living Legacy Gathering is just two weeks away. If you are planning on coming up for the day, we would love you to fill out the google form - this will help us plan each day. Lunch will be served each day from 12-3 and we will have all the archives out for you to enjoy. The Branch will be open if you want to pick up any Alpine merchandise. We will also have many of the building open for you to walk around as well as some crafts, and a scavenger hunt with lots of free Alpine goodies!
Here is the link Living Legacy Weekend (google.com)
We are also still collecting pictures and notes for a memory book – if you have something you would like to contribute please send it to [email protected] (also cc’d on this email)
Additionally, we just launched our last Living Legacy Bonfire shirt campaign. If you want any Living Legacy items you will need to order by September 9th. We will not have any items available at the event.
Here is the link for that Alpine Living Legacy | Bonfire
Lastly, if you do not follow Alpine Camp and Conference Center on FB, you might want to – we will be doing some FB live broadcasts during the Legacy Gathering. If you can’t make it up the mountain in person, this will be a fun way to connect.
Please continue praying for discernment regarding the sale of the property. We should have some news soon.
We continue to embrace Isaiah 43:18-19, “Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
Thankfully we have a God that is still in control even when the world feels completely out of control. Know I am thankful that you continue to keep Alpine in your prayers.
Partners in Mission,
Just a reminder that our Living Legacy Gathering is just two weeks away. If you are planning on coming up for the day, we would love you to fill out the google form - this will help us plan each day. Lunch will be served each day from 12-3 and we will have all the archives out for you to enjoy. The Branch will be open if you want to pick up any Alpine merchandise. We will also have many of the building open for you to walk around as well as some crafts, and a scavenger hunt with lots of free Alpine goodies!
Here is the link Living Legacy Weekend (google.com)
We are also still collecting pictures and notes for a memory book – if you have something you would like to contribute please send it to [email protected] (also cc’d on this email)
Additionally, we just launched our last Living Legacy Bonfire shirt campaign. If you want any Living Legacy items you will need to order by September 9th. We will not have any items available at the event.
Here is the link for that Alpine Living Legacy | Bonfire
Lastly, if you do not follow Alpine Camp and Conference Center on FB, you might want to – we will be doing some FB live broadcasts during the Legacy Gathering. If you can’t make it up the mountain in person, this will be a fun way to connect.
Please continue praying for discernment regarding the sale of the property. We should have some news soon.
We continue to embrace Isaiah 43:18-19, “Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
Thankfully we have a God that is still in control even when the world feels completely out of control. Know I am thankful that you continue to keep Alpine in your prayers.
Partners in Mission,
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